Tuesday 30 July 2013

Kimberley Tour - 24 July

Kununurra – Bungle Bungles:  24 July [362 km]

In bright sunshine, we drove to Ivanhoe Crossing (watching out for estuarine crocodiles) - this was the original crossing of the Ord River for the road into Kununurra and around the irrigation area at Kununurra before stopping at the sandalwood factory. 

It was good to get an insight into the history of agriculture in this region and to learn what crops are being grown successfully now after many years of trial and error in the Ord River Irrigation Scheme.

Then we set off back down the Great Northern Highway on our way to Purnululu National Park.  After a couple of hours of bitumen road, it was quite a shock to turn onto the road into the Bungle Bungles.  Even though we were aware of the nature of this ‘road’, it was still startling to experience the continual hills, tight bends and (mostly dry) water course crossings:  it took two hours to travel 50 km!

Our first view of the Bungle Bungles was surprising because there was no sign of the famous ‘beehives’.  Nevertheless, the range quite stunning in the late afternoon sun. 

The Bellburn Safari Lodge was a very welcome sight after a long and bumpy journey.  We were welcomed by Fran – who ran the site and who also cooked our meals.  She is a real dynamo and made us feel very relaxed.  As we were now a fair way inland, as the sun set, the temperature fell quite quickly.  The Lodge camp fire provided warmth as the evening cooled down.

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