Monday 29 July 2013

Kimberley Tour - 18 July

Mornington – Drysdale:  18 July [306 km]

After being woken by bird calls again, we left Mornington and returned to the Gibb River Road.  We continue heading northeast and stop off at delightful Galvans Gorge.  On another very warm day, the swim we enjoyed at this Gorge with a large number of other people was most welcome. 

Surprisingly, who should arrive while we were there but Steve and Laura - two of the people we had met on our whale shark cruise!  We spent a delightful time chatting with them and catching up on their journey.  As we walked out of Galvans Gorge, there was a bush of the elusive Kimberley Rose!  Unfortunately for Tim, as he walked to the bush, he had a fight with a thorny bush - and, for his trouble, he spilt blood all over his shorts (and two of the thorns were not removed from his knee for some weeks).

Then we drove on to Mount Barnett Roadhouse before we crossed the Hann and Barnett Rivers as we continued along the Gibb River Road.  At a ‘T’ junction, we left the Gibb and started on the Kalumburu Road.  Almost immediately, the condition of the road deteriorated and we encountered long stretches of corrugations.  After an hour or so, we arrived at Drysdale River Station, a working cattle station covering over a million acres and running 9,000 head of cattle, where we stayed the night.  It was good to stop shaking after all the corrugations;  little did we know what we were in for the next day!

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