Wednesday 5 June 2013

Canberra - 5 June 2013

Final preparations

Our preparations are close to being completed.  We have bought all sorts of things to take with us:  snorkels, flippers, walking shoes, reef shoes amongst other things – and we now have our Outback Spirit back packs with all their ‘goodies’ included. 

Tim has told 1G at Wanniassa Junior School all about our trip.  They and their teacher, Sally, are very excited about where we are going.  We will keep them and many others up to date with our progress and with the places and things of interest that we come across.

It is all getting quite exciting.
A pensive Tinkerbell waiting for...
We are sure that Tinkerbell is starting to suspect that something is up – with all the packing and other activities that are going on.  We hope she will be OK in the care of Louise and Beth while we are away.

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